日本馆馆标为“微笑相联”,日文“笑?のつながり”,英文“Smile to Smile”。这一设计不仅充分体现了日本馆所要传递的核心信息??联接,更为重要的是表达了珍视“心灵的联接”这一主旨。
Theme: Harmony of the Hearts, Harmony of the Skills
National Pavilion Day: 12 June
Pavilion Area: Around 6,000 Square Meters
Location: Within Zone A of the Expo site
Pavilion FeaturesThe Japan Pavilion is a semi-circular structure, covered by a purple membrane material. Several antennae and caves make the pavilion a "breathing organism," which will express the harmony between the human heart and technology. The pavilion has been dubbed "Purple Silkworm Island" by Chinese people.
展馆特色 日本馆呈半圆形,采用紫色薄膜材料包裹。场馆上的“触角”和“凹槽”组成了一个“呼吸系统”,展现了人类心灵与科技的紧密结合。日本馆被中国人称作“紫蚕岛”。
Highlight 1: Journey through TimePeople will experience a journey from ancient times into the future. At the "past zone," the friendship between China and Japan will be highlighted. Historic cases such as a Chinese envoy's visit to Japan in the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) and expertise such as Nishijin weaving will be showcased. Japan's modern energy saving and water purification technologies will be exhibited in the "present zone." The exhibition will focus on three topics: water source protection, global warming and the aging problem. The "future zone" will feature a modern opera developed by both Chinese and Japanese directors.
亮点1:穿梭时空 人们将会体验一次从古代到未来的旅行。在“过去”展区,突出展示了中日之间的友谊。展区将会播放有关于遣唐使、西阵织技术等历史事件。在“现在”展区,将会展示日本的现代节能和净水技术。该展区主要有三个主题:保护水源,全球变暖问题和老龄化问题。“未来”展区的特色展项是有中国和日本的导演共同创作的现代歌剧。
Highlight 2: OperaThe centerpiece of Japan's Expo showcase is an opera about a rare bird that avoided extinction in Japan with the help of China. The crested ibis was declared extinct in Japan in the 1970s. The Chinese government began giving some of its stock to Japan in the 1990s and the birds managed to re-establish themselves in Japan. The opera combines both China's Kunqu opera and Japan's Noh drama to show friendship and exchanges between the two countries.
亮点2:歌剧 日本的核心展品是一部歌剧。歌剧的内容是,在中国的帮助下,日本拯救了一种濒临灭绝的鸟。日本在20世纪70年代就宣布了朱鹭的灭绝。在20世纪90年代,中国政府把仅存的朱鹭中的几只送给了日本,之后,朱鹭在日本又重新得以繁衍生息。歌剧集成了中国的昆曲和日本的能剧,并以此来显示中日之间的友谊和互通往来。
Highlight 3: Cutting-edge TechnologiesJapanese companies will highlight cutting-edge technologies at the pavilion, including a machine that can turn sewage into drinking water, floorboards that can generate electricity when walked on as well as intelligent robots and the country's most advanced vehicles. Several robots will play violins for visitors,etc.
亮点3:领先技术 日本的一些公司将会在日本馆中隆重展出一些高科技产品。其中包括能够将污水转化成饮用水的机器,在上面走就能发电的地板,还有智能机器人,日本最先进的汽车。机器人会给参观者弹奏小提琴,等等。 |